The Waterproofers are specialist waterproofing installers, it is what we do. We do not tile or perform plumbing works, nor are we carpenters or glaziers. What we do, and what we are experts in, is keeping water where you want it – we have been doing this for over 35 years.
The staff at The Waterproofers are extensively trained in all aspects of waterproofing, as well as possessing certifications for extra work such as working at heights, working in confined spaces, managing confined spaces, and writing/assessing Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) and other Occupational Health and Safety requirements.
The services listed below are not an exhaustive list of the works we do. They are the most common services we provide. If there is something not listed here you would like to discuss with us, please get in contact and we will see how we can help you.

Living & Green Roof Waterproofing
Green roofing means different things to different people. Green roofing can be as simple as using a reflective coating to reflect heat or as advanced as a fully planted living roof. The Waterproofers uses the terms “Green Roof” to describe roof systems where environmentally friendly products are used in conjunction with light colours to aid […]

Tanking Basements & Retaining Walls
Basement & retaining wall waterproofing, commonly called below ground tanking, can present unique challenges requiring very careful selection of not only the waterproofing system used, but the entire drainage system as well. Tanking of basements & retaining walls should only ever be considered a last line of defence when all other systems have failed.

Bathroom Waterproofing
Bathroom waterproofing is one of the most important aspects of waterproofing in any home. A typical shower receives flood quantity water being delivered to it on an almost daily basis. Any failure of bathroom waterproofing, especially in a shower recess, can cause catastrophic damage. Repairs can be very expensive as often the entire bathroom will […]

Balcony Waterproofing
Balcony waterproofing is one of the most common failure points in domestic waterproofing alongside bathrooms, and both can be exceedingly expensive to fix. You really only get one chance to get it right as fixing a problem at a later date requires removal of the trafficable surface – not the easiest thing to do where tiles […]

Waterproofing Roofs
Waterproofing roofs, either fully exposed or ballasted is where The Waterproofers started in 1978. Membrane waterproofing of roofs is a perfectly suitable alternative to the typical tile or colorbond roofs commonly seen in Australia.