The Waterproofers exclusively use Beutyliner liners for waterproofing ponds, planter boxes, and ballasted roofs. Beutyliner liners are manufactured from either butyl or EPDM rubber and custom manufactured to suit each project.

A rubber liner has many benefits over other forms of waterproofing when working on ponds and planters. The first advantage is that most of the manufacturing is done off site in a clean and controlled environment guaranteeing a high quality product. Minimal time onsite means we are not interrupting other works, and our product isn’t left exposed attracting damage. A liner also requires no drying time – you can fill the pond or planter as we are packing up our tools.
Liners are also highly flexible. By not being fully bonded this 350% elasticity can really work when it needs to. The most common leak points in planters and ponds are corners (changes in direction) where a fully bonded system with the weight of fill and a small amount of movement can exceed the elongation properties of the material.
Almost all of our liners carry a 20 year warranty on both the liner itself and our installation.
Ballasted Roofing
A liner is the best choice for tackling a ballasted roof project. With panels manufactured and tested offsite there is minimal on site works required. The liner can be in manufacture before the roof substrate is installed allowing for minimised downtime from roof structure completion to a watertight structure.
Ballasting of a rubber lined roof can take many forms, from simple stone to elaborate living roof systems. The Waterproofers have extensive experience in detailing and installing these roofing systems including working with horticulturists and landscapers to achieve the most detailed living roof.
Planter Boxes
Lined planter boxes have minimal potential failure points, making a liner a superior alternative to other waterproofing solutions. With a horizontal base and vertical walls liners can be made to suit any shape, incorporating angles and curves easily. The Waterproofers can also help plan and implement internal drainage systems to assist plant growth and excess water evacuation.
Installation of a pond liner is only required where it is a formal shape like the planter boxes described above. We can install a custom made pond liner quickly into your pond shell, finishing in a variety of methods depending on the final look required. We minimise adhesive use to allow the liner to access the full possible elongation. The waterproofers can also design and implement pumping and filtration systems for you pond in conjunction with our suppliers.